Stop Smoking Self Hypnosis (Quit Now Session)
The Therapeutic Utilization…Continued..
In the transcript below there are a series of fullstops that illustrate spacing of the words:
- . is a very short pause
- .. indicates a short pause
- … is a longer pause and is often used in patterned speech
As you read this hypnotic script in your head or aloud try and add the spacing for maximum effect to re-create the rhythm of the words.
This hypnosis is an audio of a very effective hypnotic script demonstrating the therapeutic utilization phase (or suggestions). This section is Part 5 of the process. It is advised, if you have not already done so; to read Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 and Part 4 of this Hypnotic script first.
Part 4 of this hypnotic Script contains some very powerful suggestions of all the benefits of not smoking. Join us here now for the final part in this series.
And the reason why you are feeling fitter . is very illogical . it just makes sense to your . conscious . and . unconscious mind now that you have defeated the smoking habit . and you have .
The Stop Smoking Hypnosis continues …
You are freeing your lungs to . breath easily and effortlessly . and you recognize that:
- your heart . is . growing stronger and stronger.
- your breathing . is .. becoming better and better.
- and you are just feeling more alive . in each and every way .. more alert in your senses.
It’s just as if a weight has been taken off your shoulders .. and off your chest .. and another benefit to being permanently smoke free . is that you are . much more relaxed .
And a much more . positive person .. and you find that you can cope with anything now . with anybody . with any situation in a more calm . and much more confident manner . than ever before ..
Emphasis on the Benefits of Stopping Smoking
And another great benefit to being genuinely and permanently smoke free . is that you are taking better care of yourself.
- you find yourself eating . healthier . eating a well balanced . diet of nutritional foods .
- and you’ll find that you are eating just the right amount of food. to satisfy your . body’s needs and requirements .
- and you are enjoying the taste of your food . even more .
- enjoying the taste and flavour of . any liquids that you drink .. This is because they’re more enjoyable than ever before ..
- and drinking . just enough . to satisfy your body’s needs to keep you in . excellent physical condition ..
There is a good reason why you are . enjoying the taste; . and flavour of your foods . now .
Now that you have defeated the smoking habit . your taste buds are . no longer coated . with that horrible nicotine ..
And you are really enjoying and rediscovering . taste . and flavors . Simply because these are . all of the benefits of being permanently smoke free …
And if . during the next couple of days . you have the occasional thought about smoking .. then you know .. on a deep level .. you will know that this is . quite alright .. it’s just the tail end of the habit ..
Picturing the clear air in your Lungs
As you take a deep breath .. filling your lungs with . clean . fresh . air .. you can hold that air in your lungs as long as possible .. and then slowly let out that air .. out of your lungs …
As you’re letting the air out of your lungs .. all negative and destructive thoughts are . melting away .. allowing you to carry on . with . whatever it is that you are doing .. in a calm . relaxed . and confident manner ..
Always very happy in the knowledge that you are genuinely . and permanently . smoke free …
And as you continue to drift on down .. so calm . and comfortable now; … you know that your body is responding to the normal .. natural . healing energies .
That are working to restore . and . rejuvenate . and strengthen . your . body …
- the cells of your body are alive .. and know how to perform their tasks of sending nourishment . to every part . of your body . where it is needed ..
- the cells of your body . know how to cooperate . with each other . and conduct their activities properly .. to restore your body to normal . healthy . functions ..
- so your unconscious mind . is directing .. the minds of each of those cells . to cooperate in harmony . and unison . with all other cells in your body ..
- to heal . your entire physical being .. in each and every way ..
- and your mind is now being renewed . with good thoughts . strong thoughts . and positive ideas; . healthy ideas . that are causing you to become
- you’ll become a much . much . healthier person ..
- a . much . much . stronger person ..
- a . much . much . more in control person . with each and every . passing day .. (47:09)
Emphasis on the Body and Mind Connection
And so you know that you can .. use your . deeper imagination here . to think of yourself with a . healthy . strong body . exactly the way you want your body . to be . and you can see . and .. think of yourself . with a . perfectly healthy body .
A perfectly healthy mind .. perfectly healthy lungs .. a perfectly healthy heart ..
Exactly the way you want your .. body to be . in each and every way. knowing and realizing . and recognizing . and believing . that as you think . so shall you be .. as you think so shall you be ..
Stopping Smoking will help you feel Happier
Because you look forward to .. each and every day .. of your smoke free life . with anticipation ..
You’ll find that each day . will bring . you greater happiness . and greater joy . and greater opportunity . to . exercise your . healthy body .
And you arise each morning feeling . rested and refreshed .. and you continue . to have . more and more energy . more and more strength . more and more vitality with . each and every passing day ..
Always sustaining your body in a . healthy way . with healthy food choices . and healthy exercise choices . and healthy practices . of your mind . and .calmness . and . relaxation ..
You find that you enjoy listening to this recording . each and every day .. you find that . the more that you listen to this recording . the easier it becomes . in being exactly who you . choose to be …
Nonetheless, the more you listen to this recording .. the more positive your outlook becomes . and the easier it is for you . to go into . deep trance . and to achieve . deep calmness . and deep relaxation . in each and every way …
And as you take the time now . to . integrate and . assimilate .. all of these ideas .. on a deeper . deeper level …
Termination of the Stop Smoking Hypnosis
In a moment I’m going to count . from 1 up to 5 . and when I reach the number 5 . .you can open your eyes . once again and . come back to full . conscious . waking reality . feeling refreshed . rejuvenated . and alert . and ready to carry on . with . your day ..
Or if you are going to sleep . at night time . then you can just stop listening now .. as you drift off into a . comfortable . wonderfully deep . sleep …
But if you are continuing with your day . or evening .. I’m now going to say:
- 5 .. finding yourself drifting up .. coming up . towards .. waking reality
- 4 … beginning to stretch out your body . your arms and your legs . feeling yourself sitting or lying wherever you are . and; .
- 3 . stretching some more maybe you’d even . like to yawn a little and
- 2 . opening your eyes now . gently . gently; .. as if they’ve been bathed in cool . fresh . clear . spring water . now
- 1 . opening your eyes up completely . stretching and .. maybe giving a yawn . feeling wonderfully good . and refreshed . and rejuvenated . in each and every way . (51:20)
To go back to the beginning of this audio see Stop Smoking Hypnosis Script Part 1.
Click here for some more helpful links on hypnosis; and other methods; to help you stop smoking.