Mind, Attitudes and Hypnosis: The Script and Stages
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter
his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” – William James
To illustrate the process of hypnotic induction we have below, a very powerful hypnotic script; which we will examine and break down to show the different stages of hypnosis. These hypnotic stages are:
- the preparatory stage,
- induction, (this page)
- the deepening,
- therapeutic utilization
- and the termination stage.
Hypnosis Meditation – Boost Mind, Confidence, Well being, Be Happier – Very Powerful.
The following is a transcript of a hypnosis induction script. It works by reading. But listening is much better. Hearing spoken words is effortless, whereas reading is work that requires your conscious mind to assist.
Welcome to the mind programming technique , that will help you to feel happier in yourself, focus on success, release your true potential and create more abundance in your life.
During this experience
It’s best to be sitting or lying down in a place where you can comfortably ignore the outside world. It’s usually helpful to close your eyes.
This technique is not the same as sleep, you’ll still have awareness, you’ll be able to hear everything; and you’ll not become unconscious. But there will be changes.
It’s like day dreaming; all you need to do is relax , and let the sounds wash over you.
You may find,… that you do not remember it all consciously afterwards. But simply find yourself comfortable, as you follow my instructions.
Make yourself comfortable now.
Close your eyes, just as soon as you wish, and pay attention to your breathing.
If you need to awaken, you’ll awaken fully alert. But for now, you can just let go.
At the end of this process, you’ll awaken refreshed and invigorate; with a sense of inner calm and refreshment.
So now, notice your breathing ; the gentle rise and fall – that happens all by itself. And before you relax , take some deeper breaths, push all the way out and gently breathe in.
As you focus your attention on your breathing, now my voice will go with you, as you relax.
Close your eyes, if you haven’t already; and start counting backwards now from 300… 300 299.. 298.. 297… 296… 295… 294…
That’s right.. counting backwards, only as fast as you begin to deeply relax – the little muscles at the side of your eyes – and the muscles at the side of your mouth, – as you become;
Comfortably aware of your chest, – and legs and, – comfortably aware, – of your… feet, – and comfortably aware, – of your shoulders relaxing, – your arms, hands and fingers, –
as well as sensing the weight of your hands, – and one hand may feel slightly warmer, – as you go deeper, – into this wonderfully relaxing day dream, – where you can hear my voice and many different ways …here, now, you can feel energies and perceptions, sounds, temperature, sensations and reactions and the gentle lightness of letting go and peace.
You don’t even have to think about it…
Just let the focus, sink deeper and deeper, – towards your own peaceful inner stillness, – and as you do so, – that possibility becomes richer and richer, – and more and more real, – and you can begin, to feel it embrace you, – and spread through your entire being.
You can notice words, – notice noticing words, – you can notice noticing your body can relax, – and your mind can become very sensitive, – to my suggestions that help you most.
Your breathing carries on, all by itself, your mind carries on thinking all by itself, and you can just watch it wander away. Your experience, your understanding, your awareness can just detach and be at ease.
You are learning easily, – you love and approve of yourself, – you’re becoming more responsible.
Life supports you, the universe supports you
Your self image is changing and you’re thinking of yourself in better and more positive ways.
I’d like you to stop a moment, and imagine a time, – let’s say several weeks from now, and you’ve been listening repeatedly, practicing tenaciously, thinking of yourself in a much more positive way…
…. noticing some phenomenal changes, you’re getting more done, you’re happier, your relationships are working better, you’re starting to see tangible results. What part of your new life are you enjoying the most?
Give yourself a sense of that pleasure now, amplifying and intensifying the feeling of that pleasure.
You know by doing what’s good for you; by doing what works, through practice and listening repeatedly, you can achieve the things you want.
You know how good it feels, when you’re doing what’s important to you, – when you’re living your values and you can do more and more every day. Whatever happens. you feel an inner sense of satisfaction from living your values.
When you think of a limitation, you have ask yourself, is there anyone with your limitation who has succeeded in spite of it.
There are always more ways to look at the world
I’d like to thank that part of your mind, that’s in charge of your self image, for doing all the good things that it does for you, – protecting you, – helping you, making you the person that you are,
Although, I’d like it to find new ways to achieve all the good, positive things that it was doing for you. But without unnecessary limitations or negative self belief.
You might not even be aware, of what those new ways are going to be now, as your unconscious mind decides what they are, and check that it’s okay for you, to have that new self image, and only using ways that there will be no objection to; and integrating those ways into your experience and behavior, only at a rate and speed that’s appropriate.
I’d like the imaginative genius part of your unconscious mind, to help you come up with solutions to problems.
People show you love and respect, and you enjoy showing it to others. You find new exciting, easier ways to work, to have fun and really enjoy life. You will assume that other people are thinking good things about you.
To continue reading the transcript of this hypnosis and to examine the deepening of the trance state, the therapeutic utilisation and termination please click here.